Everyone knows writing a great novel takes time, but what if you could shorten that process by creating an outstanding outline, all just in 30 days? Now you can.
you get a bird's eye view of your story and you can spot plot holes and other issues before you start writing
you'll know whether that story really is worth writing and you'll save countless hours of time and effort
you can write a more interesting, complex story
you can avoid writer's block completely when you know exactly what to write
you can write more efficiently, which is ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT if you don't have hours each day to work on your writing
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The steps and the schedule to creating your outline in 30 days
Video lessons that teach you key elements of planning a story
BONUS: My bestselling Digital Structure Map that makes plotting your story easy
BONUS: Methods of outlining video lesson
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Outline Your Novel in 30 Days$49
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- Outline Your Novel in 30 Days$0
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- $49
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- What if I want to outline my novel quicker? Or slower?Not a problem! You get access to all course content instantly and it's yours to keep forever, so it doesn't really matter how slowly or quickly you'll go. You'll learn how to outline your novel successfully regardless.
- Besides the 30-day schedule, what will this course teach me?Because we talk about things like story structure, scene structure, point of view and choosing your characters, I've included video lessons on those subjects in this course. If you can't or don't want to watch videos, there's also a PDF with all the information from those lessons.
- Will this course teach me what to do with my outline?If you want to learn more about writing a novel, you should join my full course Writing Your First Novel. There is a generous discount code in this course if you decide you need more help and support :)

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